Did you know that World Lion Day was August 10th and that World Elephant Day was August 12th? Before becoming a National Geographic Kids Insider I didn't. I know these two days have passed and if you didn't know about them don't worry because you don't need to only raise awareness and celebrate these spectacular endangered animals on just these days, you can help them all year long and here are some things you can do!
Did you know that it's not just Lions that are at risk? Many big cats in the wild are disappearing at an alarming rate. But there are things you and your family can do to help, so keep reading.
National Geographic is working hard to help raise awareness for Lions and other big cats by getting people to give high fives on social media. It is really easy, just follow the steps below.
- Share the Facebook and Twitter posts found HERE. Or get creative and share your own photo or video using hashtag #5forBigCats on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Don't forget to tag your friends in the virtual high five.
- Then head HERE to donate $5 (or more) to support National Geographic’s Big Cats Initiative.
- Sit back and watch the chain grow across social media!
Some other things you can do are:
- Support the Big Cats Initiative. This initiative helps prevent livestock from being killed by building better corrals, tracking lions and warning farmers, educating farmers and locals on other methods besides lethal action. Simply text LIONS to 50555 to donate $10.00 or shop Big Cats gear.
- Educate your children about lions and other big cats. Teachers and parents can download this free kit to help educate kids on saving wildlife from National Geographic Kids. Learn more about lions here. Or purchase this awesome book Mission: Lion Rescue. This book is filled with amazing stories, facts and resources. Education is key to understanding and helping these magnificent creatures!
- Host a "Lion" Aid Stand.
Another animal that is endangered is the Elephant, the biggest mammal to walk Earth. And National Geographic is working hard to make sure that these animals are around for future generations.
- Education is key remember! Purchase this awesome book Mission: Elephant Rescue. Just like Misson: Lion Rescue this book is loaded with amazing stories, beautiful photography, hands on activities and more. I am super excited to use this book in a few weeks with my homeschool zoo club. We will be learning about Elephants and I am planning to do one of the many fabulous rescue activities in the book. I found these great little National Geographic books on Elephant Migration at Dollar Tree and will be giving one out to each family attending the zoo club meeting.
- Head over to the National Geographic website and watch the Elephant Mission: Animal Rescue video.
- Download this Mission Animal Rescue Fundraising Kit.
- Print out some Mission Animal Rescue Posters.

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