I hope your Summer is going great so far! Can you believe its almost the middle of July already? We have been keeping very busy this Summer and have been having a blast exploring the state of Georgia. However there have been a few times we have been stuck at home and yes those dreaded words came out of my children's mouths, "Mom, I'm bored!"
Well thanks to Educents, no Summer has to be a bummer! So what are you waiting for head over to their website to check out their 50 Things To Do This Summer list NOW!
This list includes recipes, arts, crafts, books, educational materials, science experiments and much more. See how many you can cross off before Labor Day!
Some of our favorite activities so far have have been exploring Bookopolis, reading several of the "Real Kids, Real Places" books, building forts, making wind chimes and using our wildlife books kits for bird watching and bug catching.
While you are on the Educents website be sure to also check out the other great freebies they are offering right now, like a Summer coloring book, addition uno printables, magazines, eBooks and more. Also download the Educents Explorers Guide. With this nifty guide your children can follow the steps to become a certified Educents Explorers Club Member.
I hope you continue to have a great Summer full of family fun!
*I was also compensated a small fee to share these freebies with you.
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