Are you looking for a fun way to celebrate Mother's Day weekend? Then I highly suggest attending the Mother's Day Powwow in Canton, GA. It is totally worth the drive (even if its a 3-4 hour drive)! This is the 25th year this event has been held. We have attended about 4 times and each time we have a blast. Watch the advertisement video here.
This year our family will be volunteering at the Save the Horses booth. Be sure to stop by to say hello!
Here are some photos from previous years we attended:
Event details:
25th Annual Cherokee County Indian Festival
& Mother's Day Powwow
May 10 - 11, 2014
Boling Park in Canton, Georgia
1200 Marietta Hwy ~ Canton, GA 30114
Saturday 11am – 7pm
Sunday 11am – 6pm
25th Reunion with Old Timers and Newcomers!
The powwow and festival will feature:
-Native American dance exhibitions with competition dance-offs for cash & prizes.
-Grand Entry will be at 1:00 pm Saturday and Sunday.
-Host Drum: TBA
-Guest Drum: RedBoys
-Emcee: Cleto Montelongo – Cherokee, NC
-Emcee: Woody Richards - Pine Ridge, SD
-Daily feast for singers, dancers and performers
-Warriors on horseback with a special new warrior debut
-Native film stars
-Live American bison
-Cherokee Rose & Silena
-Native American cuisine such as buffalo, roasted corn, Pima wraps, Indian frybread and more
-Native arts and crafts
-Hoop dancers and Aztec dancers
-Tipis, wigwam and living Indian village and displays
-Northern Plains encampment and a Muscogee Creek settlement
-Primitive skills: flint knapping, fire by friction, hide tanning, and archery
-Environmental and wildlife displays
-Birds of Prey show
-Our friends from Save the Horses rescue group
-Native flute, Yaqui Deer Dance, Train Rides from Wayne’s Train
-Kids activities and much more
-Mother’s Day Honor Dance both days
Tickets on sale at the gate:
-Adults (13 years and up): $15
-Children (6-12 years old): $5
-5 years and under: FREE
Visit the website for further details.