Sunday, March 16, 2014

What Are You Doing To Stay Heart Healthy?

*This post contains affiliate links. Please see my Disclosure Page for details.

Campbell's Address Your Heart

Last August we ditched our boxed meal, preservative filled, caffeine drinking, dining out lifestyle and became "Heart Healthy!". For the most part we have adopted the Paleo/Primal Diet, however we do occasionally sneak in potatoes, legumes and some grains. But preservatives, sugars, dyes, GMOs and other artificial ingredients are avoided at all costs. Being more aware of what we are eating and eating a healthier more balanced diet has made a tremendous difference in our family's health, especially my husband and I. My husband is a type 1 diabetic and I have some metabolic and hormone issues. Since we started eating healthier we have both seen drastic improvements in our health. We have more energy, better digestion and don't get sick as easily. I always thought for some reason that eating healthier would require us to increase our grocery budget, but I was wrong. For $100 a week I can feed our family of 4 delicious, healthy home cooked meals (stay tuned later this week I will share how we do it)!
Health is foremost on people’s minds, keeping your family in tip top shape can be a challenge in these busy times. Campbell’s Soup wants you to “Address Your Heart” with Heart Healthy Tips, recipes and more! 
Visit to get heart-healthy tips, including 21 Campbell’s recipes that are certified by the AHA and product coupons. Also follow Campbell's Kitchen on Facebook for the latest Campbell’s recipes and offers.
Are you in search of heart healthy recipes the entire family will love? 21 Campbell’s recipes have been certified by the American Heart Association.

Here are our top 5 choices:

What are you doing to stay "Heart Healthy?"

**This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Campbell’s Soup and made possible by PartnersHub. 

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