Who would have thought that flushing could be paradise? When I saw this Balls Dream Band video for the first time I just knew I had to share it with you. I love creative commercials and actually have a YouTube channel set up with commercials that I love, so I can watch them over and over again on days I need a good laugh.
A stay-at-home mom's work is never done. There is cleaning to be done, meals to cook, blog posts to write, a husband to spend time with, children to tend to 24/7 (especially if you are a homeschool mom), and the list goes on. Cleaning is definitely one area that I am always looking for help in! I don't know about you, but I dread cleaning the toilets...mostly because a certain little someone always miss's. I am always looking for great cleaning products, or ways to make chores a little more easier and fun! Well after watching this video you will definitely see your toilet in a whole new light!
The Balls Dream Band is back with a fun, creative commercial. With one flush you will be whisked away to a paradise where The Balls Dream Band will show you how sexy a clean, hygienic toilet can be. Your heart will race as you meet four very handsome gentlemen cleansing foam, anti-limescale formula, dirt protector and extra freshness. Each represents an active ingredient in Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Toilet Care. Together these 4 provide you with a dazzlingly clean toilet...well I wish it was really them that came and cleaned the toilet for me!
Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Toilet Care is a powerful toilet cleaner with four powerful active ingredients:
- Cleansing foam: cleans the toilet with each flush
- Anti-limescale formula: prevents the build-up of limescale stains
- Dirt protector: helps prevent toilet grime
- Extra freshness: for a pleasant, fresh fragrance
I don't know about you, but I will definitely be thinking about something else now when I clean my toilet, which won't be nearly as much thanks to Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Toilet Care!
What to know more? Simply scan the QR code below or click here.

After you watch the video be sure to have some fun with the Balls Dream Band! Share The Balls Dream Band video with your friends, Paradise Yourself, or share funny messages and photos of The Balls Dream Band.
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