After our review Alpha-Phonics also sent me the HTT Companion Workbook and HTT Companion Readers. Both of these are great compliments to the Alpha-Phonics Primer Workbook. Gwyn immediately grabbed the readers and claimed them as her's. She loves the books and can already read about 5 of them all on her own. She often takes them along on car rides and reads to her brother and I. And of course my artistic daughter decided to add some color to the black and white pictures as well.

The HTT Companion Workbook is a great supplement to use alongside the Alpha-Phonics Primer. The various exercises will help reinforce what your child is learning in Alpha-Phonics. Exercises include filling in blanks, writing words, writing sentences, matching, etc. There are 47 pages (including the answer keys). There are also some helpful charts such as 17 most used spelling rules; 9 most common syllabication rules.
Alpha-Phonics has graciously offered to giveaway Alpha-Phonics Primer Workbook, How To Tutor Companion Workbook and 10 How To Tutor Companion Readers. Only the first entry is mandatory. Other entries are optional and give you extra chances. This giveaway is not affiliated with Facebook in any way. The winners will be posted on the blog and will be emailed. Winners must reply within 48 hrs with their contact information or another winner will be chosen. the prize will be mailed to the winner via Alpha-Phonics.
Read outloud every day starting from birth to give children a headstart to loving reading.
Be patient and just keep trying!
Go at the child's pace. There is no rush.
Keep reading together. Sonya Morris
Read often and give them time to read.
Finding books that interest them, let them pick out books at used book stores, used book websites, garage sales and go to the library. Read to them and let them read as much as possible; including the Bible. All of my children choose to pick a good book over the TV.
To read together as much as you can!
My best tip for reading is to read lots and lots TO the child, and then make learning to read fun. And, I agree with Brittney, just go at the child's pace. Trying to push them will only frustrate them and delay the process more.
I don't have a tip. :(
Make it Fun!
Make it fun & don't rush it!
Read consistently everyday. Read to younger ones who can not read. They will learn so much just from hearing you! Be interesting. Have a variety of reading activities.
Read together, Read together, Read together! =)
Read to them and read together.
Let your children see that you love to read.
Read with them everyday! Read Go, Dog, Go! and Green, Eggs and Ham. Read the signs as you take a walk. There are words sure to point them all out. Before you know it, your little one will be telling you where the Stop signs and Exits are.
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