If you have homeschool FreeBEEs to share
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Jen, from Gricefully Homeschooling, and I team up, the first two Fridays each month, to bring you great FreeBEEs...on both of our blogs.
PLUS...with the added bonus of this being a monthly link up...where you can showcase your freebies, things you've found online, and also, things you've received in the mail, totally FREE this month.
Hopefully you grabbed the great resources from both Jen and I last week! These FreeBees are still available so be sure to grab them. Remember that we are changing things up this year so we are only posting our FreeBEE posts the first two Fridays each month. The first Friday of every month, we will be providing a link and a savings code for you to get a FREE product from some of our favorite homeschool companies. These great sponsors are offering these *Limited Time FreeBEEs* of lapbooks, unit studies, online classes, and more to bless homeschool families (you the reader)! The second Friday of every month we will have our Homeschool FreeBEE Friday Link Up. So our favorite bloggers can link up their FreeBEE posts! This link up will be open through the rest of the month...so instead of a weekly meme this will be monthly, now.
FreeBEEs:It's that time again...time for Summer reading programs! Last year I put together with lots of FREE Summer reading programs and it was a huge hit. So here are the programs for 2013 along with updated links. All of these programs offer children some great incentives so its a great way to encourage reading over the next few months. And if your anything like us you read a lot!
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Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net |
1) Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge - In Summer 2012, students around the world logged 95,859,491 reading minutes. Can you help set a new world record for summer reading? Sign up your children. Then all your children need to do is read books, log minutes and earn prizes.

2) Book It Reading Sweepstakes - Starting in June children K-6 who read five books will be eligible to enter for a chance to win a summer fun prize package. Fill out the entry form here. (updated info for 2013 is not yet posted)
*Don't forget to also register for the BOOK IT program for 2013-2014. Your children can earn FREE personal pan pizzas through this program.

3) Book Adventure - Sylvan offers a reading incentive program. Children will read books and then take a simple comprehension quiz to make sure they understood what they read. There are hundreds of books to choose from in all reading levels. Kids can earn fun prizes!
4) BJU Press - There are 3 different age groups. Each group has age-appropriate reading requirements and a suggested summer reading list. Completion forms must be submitted by August 13th. Once you submit your children's completion form, they will receive a little gift (last year it was a beach ball), are entered to win a tote bag full of goodies (3 for each age group) and are eligible for the Grand Prize drawing! The Grand Prize drawing is for a Kindle Fire.
5) Barnes & Noble Imagination Destination - This is one of our favorite reading programs. We have done this for the last two years and both kids love earning their special prize. Children will log the books they read on the provided log. After they meet the requirement they can take it into a Barnes and Nobles to receive a FREE book.
Barnes and Noble also offers free storytime. You can enter your zip code here to see a list of events at your store.

6) Junie B Jones Reading Club – Sign up and get a FREE starter Kit that includes a copy of Junie B Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus, Activity sheets and a membership ID card while supplies last.

7) National Amusements Theaters Bookworm Wednesdays - Your child can earn a FREE movie ticket from National Amusements Theaters when they read a book and complete a book report. Not available in all cities.

8) Pottery Barn Kids Summer Reading Challenge - From May 16th - August 26th kids can attend Pottery Barns story time for children of all ages on Tuesdays at 11am. Your child will receive a passport and once they attend 5 storytimes, they get a FREE gift.

9) TD Bank Summer Reading Program – Read and keep track of 10 books this summer and your child will get $10 added to their Young Saver Account FREE! Not available in all cities.
10) Chuck E. Cheese – Children earn 10 FREE tokens every time they read 2 weeks in a row. Just fill out the form and take it into your local Chuck E. Cheese to claim your free tokens.

11) Zane Grey Summer Reading Challenge - Children who read 10 books this summer and record them in the downloadable Reading Log and also write a book review or design an illustration for one of the books,will earn a free book! Hand deliver or mail the completed log and review/illustration to the Zane Grey Museum before December 31, 2013 to be eligible. You can pick up your free book or it will be sent to you.
12) Half Price Books - (ages 14 and under) Children can earn a $5 gift card when they read at least 15 minutes a day. Once they reach 300 minutes they just turn in the completed reading log and they will receive the $5 HPB Back-to-School Bucks reading reward for the month. Not available in all cities.
And don't forget to also check your local public library! Many library offer great Summer reading programs. Ours has one starting at the beginning of June. Our library also offers weekly story times.
As Dr. Seuss said, :The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."
Have a great Summer and happy reading. If you know of any other programs please share them in the comments below so I can add them to the list.
Linking up with: 3 Boys and a Dog
I love summer reading programs :) Thanks for offering links to so many!!
Great summer reading list, thanks!
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