C is for Chipping In, Chickens, Cowgirl, Cute Piglet, Crazy Sheep, Cranky Momma and Candy and here are 10 highlights from our day:
1) Gwyn made a new friend and gave him a private farm tour. Yeah she is definitely not un-socialized.
2) Gwyn held the ducks and chickens so other kids could get a chance to pet them.
3) The kids did 2 Easter egg hunts. Yup lots of candy...and even some money (now that's my kind of egg hunt.)
4) We educated visitors about the horse rescue and the petting zoo animals, including the cute piglet (snortamire) and crazy sheep!
5) Gwyn got to show off her NEW cowgirl hat that she bought at the Greeneville, SC homeschool convention few weekends ago. And she also got to wear her new sisterhood t-shirt from the rescue.
6) We spent family time together while chipping in for a great cause.
7) We were able to enjoy the beautiful Spring weather (we actually all got a tan). I think its safe to say we can pack up the winter jackets.
8) Gwyn made the ponies and horses look pretty for all the visitors.
9) We met the rescue's newest arrival, an ex-race horse named Soldier Sam. He is so beautiful. If I had a farm and the money to buy him I so would.
10) Even on the weekend we managed to get in some homeschool learning...counting tickets, public speaking, science and more.
Be sure to browse through all of our other Top 10 Posts!

Linking up with: Top Ten Tuesday, Ben and Me
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