I hope everyone's New Year is off to a good start. I had hoped to have this post up two days ago but I started the New Year off with the flu and due to my intestinal issues it always hits me very hard and often takes a few days to fully recover. On the plus side though I closed my very first real estate transaction yesterday. This was a huge financial blessing for our family because it means I can now purchase a new (well used) car that doesn't have over 250,000 miles on it. I have one more closing to finalize and then I have made the decision to put my real estate license back to inactive status. Real Estate is not a very family friendly business especially when you are trying to homeschool two kids and have issues dealing with stress. But I do have a couple of pretty awesome things in the works that will help bring in some extra income, which I hope to share with you soon.
2013 Ahead:
If you want to call them resolutions you can, but I prefer to just call them goals. I created a list last week of things I needed to accomplish and get caught up on while we are on our 2 week homeschool break (we plan to start back Monday). So far I am about half way through the list, YAY. As for the rest of the year my biggest focus and my word for 2013 is ORGANIZATION! I want to be organized with everything from household - homeschool. I am also continuing to focus on my word from last year which was TONE.
In our homeschool I am in the process of revamping some things like our schedule. Gwyn has requested a little more structure (she is very Type A with a little bit of OCD). She wanted to go back to workboxes but umm they didn't really work for mommy. I am hoping to have our homeschool revamp completed this weekend and will share some of those changes with you hopefully next week. Last week I did manage to get the homeschool room reorganized (I had to make room for the books, games and science kits the kids got for Christmas).
A few of the household changes we are putting into place which are helping accomplish more organization as well as routine are...We have made a simple chore list with paid allowance each week ($1 for 10 stars). This helps me out tremendously and teaches the kids about working to earn money. We had tried the chore list thing once before but we slacked off and it failed. But now that the kids are a little older and actually interested in and understand money it has been going much better. We have also given the kids the responsibility of getting up and making their own breakfast. They have a list of what they can eat and I pre-make pancakes and eggs for them over the weekend. This is going extremely well so far.
2013 Ahead:
If you want to call them resolutions you can, but I prefer to just call them goals. I created a list last week of things I needed to accomplish and get caught up on while we are on our 2 week homeschool break (we plan to start back Monday). So far I am about half way through the list, YAY. As for the rest of the year my biggest focus and my word for 2013 is ORGANIZATION! I want to be organized with everything from household - homeschool. I am also continuing to focus on my word from last year which was TONE.
In our homeschool I am in the process of revamping some things like our schedule. Gwyn has requested a little more structure (she is very Type A with a little bit of OCD). She wanted to go back to workboxes but umm they didn't really work for mommy. I am hoping to have our homeschool revamp completed this weekend and will share some of those changes with you hopefully next week. Last week I did manage to get the homeschool room reorganized (I had to make room for the books, games and science kits the kids got for Christmas).
A few of the household changes we are putting into place which are helping accomplish more organization as well as routine are...We have made a simple chore list with paid allowance each week ($1 for 10 stars). This helps me out tremendously and teaches the kids about working to earn money. We had tried the chore list thing once before but we slacked off and it failed. But now that the kids are a little older and actually interested in and understand money it has been going much better. We have also given the kids the responsibility of getting up and making their own breakfast. They have a list of what they can eat and I pre-make pancakes and eggs for them over the weekend. This is going extremely well so far.
I don't blog as often as I would like because quite frankly there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I'd like. But I think I am finding my niche in the blogging world and appreciate each and every person that reads our blog. Next year you can expect review posts (I am on the TOS Crew again), FreeBEEs posts, deal posts and of course more posts about our homeschool journey.
Top posts for 2012:
Don't forget the NEW FreeBEE Friday launches tomorrow. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss the amazing FreeBEEs Jen and I have in store for you in 2013.

*Disclaimer - Many of the links found on my side bars and in my blog posts are affiliate links. Please note that prices indicated in the post are subject to change. As a result, I might get paid money and I will most likely spend the money on homeschool supplies.
Linking up with: Top Ten Tuesday
1 comment:
Dr. Seuss books are such fun to read, I'll have to check out those posts first.
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