So my daughter has taken up skateboarding. It was bound to happen considering her daddy was big into skateboarding back in the day and I also used to get around the neighborhood on a skateboard. So Monday afternoons you can now find us hanging out at a skate park with a great group of homeschoolers. You can check out pictures of her first two days skateboarding on my L is for Learning To Skateboard post. So here are 10 reasons I think skateboarding is an excellent activity for homeschool children to be involved in.
2) Skateboarding is a great way to socialize with other homeschool children.
3) Skateboarding helps build confidence.
4) Skateboarding is great physical exercise.
5) Skateboarding counts as homeschool PE.
6) Skateboarding helps children with balance and coordination.
7) Skateboarding teaches perseverance.
8) Skateboarding is fairly inexpensive compared to other sports (well unless you count the possible injuries that may require Dr visits).
9) Skateboarding requires the use of analytical thinking skills. This comes into play down the road (especially during competitions) when you have to plan out your tricks, etc to get the best score in a limited amount of time.
10) Skateboarding is educational! You are probably thinking seriously??? Oh yes it is. There is some great history and art behind skateboarding not to mention some great science lessons too!
Be sure to browse through all of our other Top 10 Posts!
Thanks for stopping by and have fun exploring nature!

*Disclaimer - Many of the links found on my side bars and in my blog posts are affiliate links. Please note that prices indicated in the post are subject to change. As a result, I might get paid money and I will most likely spend the money on homeschool supplies.
Linking up with: Educating Laytons, Top Ten Tuesday
Fun post! The kids are begging for skateboards for Christmas.
They have friends with skateboards that we visit on Sundays and they always have the best time trying to keep their balance.
I love your skateboard park. I don't think we have anything like that around here. So cool!!!
gross motor tactile fun - LOVE IT!
Looks like fun! Stopping by from the TOS blog linky. I'm your newest follower.
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