Earlier this year I joined the Moms of Master Books team. I was already in LOVE with Master Books fabulous resources and joined in every Twitter party they hosted so when the offer was made to join the fabulous group of mom reviewers I jumped at chance. Every month we review one of Master Books fabulous resources and join in the monthly Twitter or Facebook parties. I am also very happy to announce that in November I started co-hosting Wildlife Wednesdays on Creation Conversations (please take a moment to check out the Wildlife Wednesdays post also). This month due to the hustling and bustling of the holiday season there is not review or party but...I do have our top 5 favorite books from Master Books and links to our past reviews.

Here the are our top 5:

1) True Account of Adam and Eve: This one made the top 5 because of the amazing illustrations. It is absolutely gorgeous. It is one of those books that you will want to leave out on your coffee table. It is a book that educates children and adults about Adam and Eve and Creations. And it raises some great questions too.

2) Aquarium Adventure: Of course this made the top 5, it is a favorite for all of us. We are a adventure seeking, field trip loving homeschool family. There are three books in this series The Complete Zoo Adventure, The Complete Aquarium Adventure and Complete Creation Museum Adventure, each one is fabulous. These guides are packed with great information and beautiful pictures.

3) Indoctrination: This makes the top 5 because it was one of the TOUGHEST reviews I have ever done. It literally kept me up at nights. But I managed to finally gather my thoughts (with the help of my husband) and write what some have said, "is one of my best posts ever".

4) Awesome Science DVDs: As a family who loves science these DVDs are an awesome resource to have. Take a field trip around the world to amazing landmarks and explore geologic and historical evidence which supports the biblical record. This one makes top 5 because well it's an AWESOME way to learn and take a virtual fieldtrip!

5) God's Amazing Creatures and Me: One of Gwyn's favorites. This is a fabulous devotional for children...especially ones who love animals. In just 15 minutes children learn about an animal, a biblical lesson, scripture and more.
Okay I lied we have 6 favorites (well we actually have more than 6)...

6) D is for Dino: I had to share 6 sorry. We all have our favorites and Rowyn insisted I share what his was (yup I am blaming the kid for me not following directions). Rowyn loves this book because well he's a boy and he loves Dinosaurs. This is a great book to teach children basic truths of the Gospel from A to Z. There are some pretty cool printable resources that go along with it too.
Be sure to stop by and see what the top 5 choices were from some of the other Moms of Master Books!

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