Friday, December 7, 2012

Ornament Swap - Another Snowman For My Collection

Cook Family Chronicles hosted a fun ornament swap that I decided would be fun to participate in.  I don't know about you but I just love getting packages in the mail. My swap partner was Jen from Forever, For Always, No Matter What. She is an amazing homeschool blogger with 6 adorable adopted children. Be sure to check out her blog.

So here is the ornament my new online friend got me. I had mentioned I LOVE snowmen. My husband has been getting me a snowman every Christmas since we have been married.

I wanted to share what I got my swap partner as well. We visited the Coca-Cola Museum for the first time last week (we've been in GA 12 years). It was a fabulous field trip and while we were there I decided to get my swap partners ornament so I could send her a little piece of GA history. Here is the ornament the kids helped me pick out.

*Disclaimer - Many of the links found on my side bars and in my blog posts are affiliate links. Please note that prices indicated in the post are subject to change. As a result, I might get paid money and I will most likely spend the money on homeschool supplies.
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