M is for Merry Christmas!!!!
For the last several days we have been learning all about Christmas Around The World. It has been so much fun and so far we have covered Mexico, Canada, Australia and of course the United States. We are learning about each countries holiday foods, traditions and how to say Merry Christmas in other languages. We have also been learning where the countries are located, what their flags look like, what the weather is like in December and great facts about animals, landmarks, etc. We have been reading a lot, doing fun crafts and even eating Christmas dinners from around the World. Can I just say again how much I love unit study learning we cover EVERY subject yup even including math with each of our unit studies.
Here is a website and also a great video (below) telling how to say Merry Christmas in different languages. You can check out the other videos we have been watching that go along with our Christmas Around the World unit study here.

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Linking up with: Ben and Me, I Can Teach My Child, The Momma Knows, Look What We Did, All Boy Homeschool, 1+1+1=1, JDaniels4Mom, Educating Laytons
This sounds like it would be a lot of fun. Maybe I should squeeze that into our learning this month. I think it's great how you try different foods from around the world as well. Thanks for sharing all the links.
Looks like so much fun! We visited the World of Coca-Cola a few years ago (in early December), and our family picture with the polar bear wound up being our Christmas card picture. We loved it - my husband and I are huge fans of Coke and collect a lot of Coke memorabilia.
I adore Christmas Around the World activities. We have even kept some of them as traditions we do every year...St. Lucia day from Sweden, St. Nicholas Day from Eastern Europe to name a few.
We read the Christmas in France book too. I love that series of books. Thank you for linking this post up to Read.Explore.Learn. I will be sharing this post tomorrow on the Read.Explore.Learn. Facebook page.
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