1) We want our children to be able to learn about all religions including the Christian faith.
2) We want our children to be safe. Guns, knives, bullying, school bus issues, sexual abuse yup not something we want to expose our children too.
3) We want to be involved in our children's education and not have someone else raising our children.
4) We want our children to be able to learn at their own pace and not by what State or National Standards dictate.
5) We don't want the children only learning information to pass tests. In GA the school system is very concerned with keeping their funding which means standardized test scores must be high each year. So they cram and prep students for tests even when they don't require a standardized test that year.
6) We want our children to have a love for learning and be able to follow their interests and dreams.
7) We want our children to develop life skills essential to their growth and development.
8) We want our children to be able to have hands on learning experiences and not be sitting at a desk all day.
9) We want our children to be more socialized. Yup I said it. That stereotype that homeschoolers are not socialized is BOGUS. My kids get more socialization than they ever would in the public school environment. Just think back to those schooling days...how often and for how long did you really get to talk and play with friends?
10) We don't like all the political propaganda that goes on at public school.
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*Disclaimer - Many of the links found on my side bars and in my blog posts are affiliate links. Please note that prices indicated in the post are subject to change. As a result, I might get paid money and I will most likely spend the money on homeschool supplies.
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I am fairly new to home-schooling and I always enjoy reading why others choose to home-school. I find myself fumbling for the right way to communicate this and typically brush past the question when it comes up. Usually because it is never asked in an approachable manner and I feel as though I am always on the defense or that my reasons are never really good enough. I am sure as time goes on I will be more comfortable and as my family is more comfortable with the idea that they will see the benefits that I hope come to light. But your list sums it up for me as well (well honestly, except for number 1, in that I don't have any religious affiliations but rather I want my children to explore all religions comfortably). I especially like #10.
I just started homeschooling our daughter last year. Our boys were traditionally schooled and Sarah until she reached grade 8. Some of the main reasons we homeschooled was the complete lack of support for her learning. Also the bullying was so intense and crazy. After a year a home and seeing the many benefits of homeschooling I am so happy we made that choice.
Amen and amen!!! Those are the same reasons we homeschool. Also, dad has crazy work schedule and if we didn't homeschool, the kids would never see him. As far as socialization, outside of public school, when will you EVER have to only deal with people your own age. People are often impressed that my kids can carry on a conversation with a child much younger and then turn right around and carry on a meaningful conversation with the parent too.
Nodding my head to all of those.... Kindergartner started at public this year but we are switching to homeschool this next year for all of those reasons. 30 minutes of recess in a full day of school is not enough time to socialize or get all the wiggles out. And if they talked during class they would miss part of recess. Drove me nuts! That and all the push for testing.
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