In our homeschool this week...
We had a rough week. Lots of sibling bickering and whining but we made it through. Hoping next week is better.
Here are some highlights:
Saturday I took the kids to the Home Depot Kids Workshop where they built mini cork boards. Home Depot decided to do the workshop outside which would have been fine except it was raining but we made due and did our projects under a table. Sunday was just a relaxing day at home. Monday Rowyn had speech therapy and while he was in class Gwyn and I worked in her new math book called Teaching and Learning Made Easy. When we got home we started learning about glass. The kids built virtual glass sculptures and we read all about glass makers and the history of glass. Tuesday we visited My Clayground (review being posted very soon) where the kids did a glass fusing project and made beautiful sun catchers. They also each painted a small pottery piece. Afterwards we went on a glass hunt around the neighborhood and then made recycled glass wind chimes. We also did a little experiment on glass viscosity read more here. Wednesday the kids did some computer learning on Reading Kingdom and Speekee. Then some friends came to visit for a play date. The kids had a blast playing games with their friend. Thursday we played Hungry Hippos before daddy left for work. Rowyn kept winning (or so he though) he always had 11 marbles. Then we took a much needed trip to our favorite place and restocked our reading material. When we got home the kids listened to about 4 read along books. Gwyn did some learning on Vocabulary Spelling City. Friday Gwyn played her color by number game. And Rowyn played some educational games on my phone. They also packed for our short trip that to Valdosta. We got FREE passes to visit Wild Adventures Theme Park (another review coming soon). Then we took a 1.3 mile walk to Avis to get the rental car for our trip. But...apparently if you only have a debit card they require a $200 deposit which I wasn't willing to do so we walked 1.3 miles back home and thank goodness my dad let us use his van so we didn't have to cancel the trip.
And of course we read lots of books each day!
In my life this week…
I am playing catch up. I have a very long to do list that just will not seem to go down. I think I may have over extended myself on some things.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
It's okay to take a day off...really it is.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This week we took a fun field trip to My Clayground and had fun doing a sun catcher glass fusing project and some pottery painting. We had some friends come over and spend a few hours playing. I always enjoy adult conversation especially with other homeschooling moms.
Next week is our BIG field trip week for the month. We are doing a tour of Brusters Ice Cream shop, Geocaching club, a glass blowing demonstration and our Not Back To School picnic with our homeschool group (we are going to play, have water balloon fights, etc). We may also squeeze in a trip to the Atlanta Zoo on Saturday or Sunday since its FREE for Fulton County residents.
My favorite thing this week was…
Making wind chimes out of recycled glass check it out here.
What’s working/not working for us…
What is NOT working is my wake up time in the morning. I really NEED to get up earlier. This would defnitely make our day more productive.
Questions/thoughts I have…
How do I get the sibling rivalry to stop?
Things I’m working on…
Many product reviews!!
I’m praying for…
Several blogging friends who are going through rough times right now.
Favorite Resource(s)...
Glass viscosity experiment and Fireworks of Glass games and resources.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
And of course we read lots of books each day!
In my life this week…
I am playing catch up. I have a very long to do list that just will not seem to go down. I think I may have over extended myself on some things.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
It's okay to take a day off...really it is.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This week we took a fun field trip to My Clayground and had fun doing a sun catcher glass fusing project and some pottery painting. We had some friends come over and spend a few hours playing. I always enjoy adult conversation especially with other homeschooling moms.
Next week is our BIG field trip week for the month. We are doing a tour of Brusters Ice Cream shop, Geocaching club, a glass blowing demonstration and our Not Back To School picnic with our homeschool group (we are going to play, have water balloon fights, etc). We may also squeeze in a trip to the Atlanta Zoo on Saturday or Sunday since its FREE for Fulton County residents.
My favorite thing this week was…
Making wind chimes out of recycled glass check it out here.
What’s working/not working for us…
What is NOT working is my wake up time in the morning. I really NEED to get up earlier. This would defnitely make our day more productive.
Questions/thoughts I have…
How do I get the sibling rivalry to stop?
Things I’m working on…
Many product reviews!!
I’m praying for…
Several blogging friends who are going through rough times right now.
Favorite Resource(s)...
Glass viscosity experiment and Fireworks of Glass games and resources.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Linking up with:
Kathy -- you're so right - it's ok to take a day off!!! I'm sorry your week was a little less than desirable. Sibling bickering can really get on my nerves (we've had our share of it here, too)... hopefully this weekend they are getting some time apart and that will help!
I hope your little trip is wonderful! I'm not going to Avis!
So many good things in your week, but I am sorry to hear about the bickering and whining portion...I know what you mean, that kind of thing can really spoil a week, can't it?! I wish I had the answer for you, but we struggle with this ourselves, sometimes more than others. We just work on it a bit at a time, trying to compromise and talk things out...and of course separating our girls when necessary to cool off and get some perspective. Good luck!
The glass resources you linked up at Favorite Resources look interesting! We have an art center in our community, and it has a glass blowing studio. We've never been to one of their events, it just never seems to work for us time-wise, but we need to check it out.
Thanks for linking :)
I have the book "Siblings Without Rivalry" by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish (the same people that wrote How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk), but I haven't read it. I like their other book, so I have high hopes for this one....we'll see!
I don't have good answers for the bickering. My boys love to pester each other and their sister. I've not figured this one out, yet. I do time outs and try to talk it out once they've calmed down. I have been praying about this more lately (that their attitudes would change and that I would respond in a wise and appropriate way). I have noticed a difference. Occasionally, we'll go for hours without a fuss! Little steps.
I look forward to reading about your Wild Adventures trip! I don't know what that is! We've also enjoyed the Math workbook and VocabSpellingCity.
I hate the rental car place was such a pain, but thankful your dad was able to come to your rescue.
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