Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 3 in 30 Goals - Week 4

Well this week I stayed off line for the most part until the kids were in bed and got lots done. I actually made some progress on all of my goals.

March Goals:

1. Get reviews that need to be done written and scheduled - Making progress have a few things scheduled.

2. Remember to visit and thank those that have linked up at FreeBEE Fridays - Working my way through.

3. Spring clean and organize -  Got my bookcases and am making progress still have my office area to re-organize.

Bookcases with books, games, binders and puzzles.
Our craft section.

Any encouraging words or suggestions are always appreciated!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on your goals! You are making lots of progress- love the book cases ;)

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