I am joining a wonderful group of ladies and reading through How to Have a H.E.A.R.T For Your Kids by Rachael Carmen. The book club this past week and we read the Introduction.
So what does H.E.A.R.T stand for anyway well here ya go:
- Have a Heart for the Things of God
- Enrich Your Marriage
- Accept Your Kids
- Release Them to God
- Teach Them Truth
In the intro Rachel talks about her journey and how she became a homeschool mom. How plans for her life changed and how she struggled with those changes. I love how down to earth she is and how honest she is. I literally sometimes forget I am reading a book. A few months ago I had the opportunity to meet Rachel at an Apologia Live luncheon so while reading I will occasionally hear her voice and it's like she is right here with me speaking to me.
Our journey to homeschooling was a pretty easy one. Originally we were planning to send the kids to school mostly because we didn't think I could ever be a stay at home mom like we wanted (ya know one income thing just not possible). So we bought our first house (which we no longer have) in a decent school district (which is actually no longer a good district). But...plans changed after hearing all of the terrible things taking place in the Georgia schools and seeing how much government interference was taking place in the schools. So in the Fall of 2011 I cut my hours at my job to part time so we could start cutting our income back slowly. And I started researching homeschooling. Since my husband was homeschooled throughout elementary he was 100% supportive. Our only real fear was could we survive on one income? While working part time we enrolled our daughter in the GA Public PreK program to get her out of my moms hair. And well after dealing with bad behavior, changes in eating habits and some other things we decided that we would definitely 100% be homeschooling. So I informed my boss that at the end of July 2011 I would be be quitting my job. It was a very scary time for us. For the 11 yrs my husband and I have been married I have always worked. Well fast forward to today and so far homeschooling is going wonderfully. We have had our bad days but the majority of them have been wonderful. I am so happy to be at home. I have missed so many milestones when they were babies and toddlers but I am making up for it now. I have witnessed my daughter reading her first words, tying her shoes and my son writing his name for the first time. The one income thing is still scary and we have been struggling but we have been blessed numerous times by wonderful friends. We have the important things we NEED. And my husband says he is so much less stressed knowing that I am at home with the kids.
I very much looking forward to reading this book because I know that I need to work on my H.E.A.R.T and give the kids my heart. I also need to build a growing relationship with my kids.
Our journey to homeschooling was a pretty easy one. Originally we were planning to send the kids to school mostly because we didn't think I could ever be a stay at home mom like we wanted (ya know one income thing just not possible). So we bought our first house (which we no longer have) in a decent school district (which is actually no longer a good district). But...plans changed after hearing all of the terrible things taking place in the Georgia schools and seeing how much government interference was taking place in the schools. So in the Fall of 2011 I cut my hours at my job to part time so we could start cutting our income back slowly. And I started researching homeschooling. Since my husband was homeschooled throughout elementary he was 100% supportive. Our only real fear was could we survive on one income? While working part time we enrolled our daughter in the GA Public PreK program to get her out of my moms hair. And well after dealing with bad behavior, changes in eating habits and some other things we decided that we would definitely 100% be homeschooling. So I informed my boss that at the end of July 2011 I would be be quitting my job. It was a very scary time for us. For the 11 yrs my husband and I have been married I have always worked. Well fast forward to today and so far homeschooling is going wonderfully. We have had our bad days but the majority of them have been wonderful. I am so happy to be at home. I have missed so many milestones when they were babies and toddlers but I am making up for it now. I have witnessed my daughter reading her first words, tying her shoes and my son writing his name for the first time. The one income thing is still scary and we have been struggling but we have been blessed numerous times by wonderful friends. We have the important things we NEED. And my husband says he is so much less stressed knowing that I am at home with the kids.
I very much looking forward to reading this book because I know that I need to work on my H.E.A.R.T and give the kids my heart. I also need to build a growing relationship with my kids.
Favorite quote(s):
Pg 13 "No, these were women of God willing to sacrifice themselves to be all He had planned them to be."
I cannot wait to read everyone's posts. Thanks for stopping by.
I cannot wait to read everyone's posts. Thanks for stopping by.
I love how God brought us together...the house, the school...that was our focus, now...it doesn't matter. I love the way God has brought freedom into 'where' we live! and btw...your story...about your house, has convicted me in so many good ways and grown me....if we 'no longer have ours' soon...I will know who to turn to...for that little extra love I know I'll need! Love ya! GREAT start to the book club!
AMEN sista! I am really enjoying this book, the group of women and reading everyone's posts! Blessings!
I love your favorite quote. It does take sacrifice. Nevertheless, it is a mysterious and wonderful thing: LESS IS MORE! So glad to hear you've chosen to homeschool.
I didn't realize that your husband was homeschooled. How lucky we are to have husbands who are so supportive of homeschooling!
Oh, I am so happy for you that you are loving being home with them! That is a huge change, going from work to teacher and sahm! I love it too:) I can't wait to read more about your family. Neat your husband was 100% behind this and was homeschooled.
This community is amazing and awesome :) I'm so glad that your journey has been so blessed!
Kathy, this is a great story! I feel so blessed too to be able to be in this position of staying home and teaching my children - almost guilty how blessed I feel sometimes! Of course, it's not all a bed of roses, but God has been good as we seek to follow him.
YES! Yes, it all doesn't matter now does it? The house? The idea of what life what was suppose to look like. All that matter is our kids and our family! I am so glad God brought us together. I value our online relationship. I hope to meet you and your family...someday. Love you friend! You are such encouragement for me!
How neat that your husband was homeschooled. I can relate to your comment about missing so many milestones when your children were toddlers. I was WRAPPED up in a big career, working 500 miles from home each week, when my son was little. Youch, I missed so much. If I could shout from the rooftops to young moms-to-be and let them know this lesson I learned. I'm so glad we've become friends and are sharing this HEART journey together.
It's been great reading the blog posts from everyone, I just assumed that my fellow h.s. have done it from the beginning I never considered that that wasn't the case. My DH went to parochial and I was in public - they were terrible. following along now as well.
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