We had another wonderful, busy week despite it being it also stressful week. Several times throughout the week the kids practically begged to do homeschool. If you have read my some of my previous posts you will know that my husband got a new job. But with the new job comes a move about 1 hr SE of where we currently are and also a month of being tight on funds. The move is not to Savannah which is were we had hoped we would be moving to this year but the job is a great one and will hopefully lead to some great opportunities in the next year.
So here is our week in the life of homeschoolers update week 7!
Monday: We did workoxes in between Rowyns Speech class and Gwyns Tae Kwon Do. Here is what was in their workboxes:
Gwyn: Handwriting (letter B, C), Spelling (B and C words that also had -et- and -at- in them), Math (numbers), Reading (ABC Bunny),
ABC Bunny Worksheets (BFAIR).
Rowyn: Handwriting (letter C) and practicing his name, Puzzle (patterns w/ pattern blocks), Math (shapes), Reading (ABC Bunny),
ABC Bunny Worksheets (BFAIR).
ABC Bunny worksheet. |
ABC Bunny Worksheet. |
Writing B, C and a couple of words. |
Practicing shapes. |
Tuesday: We did some workboxes and completed our toad unit study. We also went to the library for craft/story time. I must share a funny story. The story time was about music. The librarian asked the kids "what do you needed to dance?" The answer was music of course but my silly girl replies, "romance." We all started cracking up Here is what was in their workboxes:
Gwyn: Handwriting (letter C), Spelling (C words that also had -at- in them), Math (shapes), Reading (toad books), Geography (coloring in our USA map with the states we have received postcards from)
Rowyn: Handwriting (letter C and writing his name), Math (shapes), Reading (toad books), Motor Skills (cutting and nuts/bolts)
Trying to write his name. |
Shape recognition, writing, drawing. |
Toad lapbook. |
Our finished unit study and lapbook. |
Outside of our lapbook decorated by Gwyn. |
Our toad who helped us with our unit study. He was released today. |
Gwyn holding our toad. |
Motor skills nuts and bolts. |
Gwyn coloring in the states that we received postcards from so far.
We are participating in a 50 state postcard swap. |
Our postcards. |
Wednesday: Gwyn had her first homeschool academy class at Zoo Atlanta. They discussed animal habitats so to prepare her we read a book called "The Magic School Bus Explores the World of Animals." She got to attend her class with two homeschool friends. They had a great time and even got to pet a baby alligator. While Gwyn was in class Rowyn and his homeschool friend got to walk around the zoo. We saw some awesome things like the Gorillas and Otter being fed and the baby Panda Po nursing. When we got home the kids played with some clay.
Homeschool friends. |
Mamma and baby Gorilla getting fed. |
Rowyn watching the Gorillas. |
Po nursing. |
Playing with clay and making silly faces. |
Thursday: I had to work at my ex place of employment for about an hour so the kids went to work with me and hung out while I sent out some marketing emails. Afterwards we were supposed to go to the High Museum in Atlanta (they had FREE admission) but because of tight funds we had to cancel our trip (too much gas and had to pay parking fee). So instead I took the kids to the park where we fed the ducks, played on the playground and did some Geocaching. Rowyn also had his very first soccer practice, which he loved.
We found the GeoCache! |
Here is where the GeoCache was hiding in the woods at our park. |
The kids and I also did a GeoCache Challenge and picked up litter at the park. |
Rowyn dribbling. |
Friday: Well I had to work from 9 am - 2 pm and the kids were home with daddy so they didn't get any school in. But they did have a little play date with some homeschool friends after I got home. We were also blessed by our friend with some food and clothes for Rowyn.
Thanks for stopping by!
I am joining
Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers Weekly Link Up.
Can I just say that it seems like just yesterday you were starting! I can't believe you have just completed week 7 and we have just finished week 1!
@Heidi I cannot believe it either it is just flying by!
What a great week! Love the mommy and baby animals photos! We did some more geocaching today!!
@Jen Now that the weather is getting cooler here we hope to start GeoCaching a lot more. I have some better baby animal photos on my FB page https://www.facebook.com/KathysClutteredMind/posts/171326782948029
Great week! Thanks for leaving your link at Workbox Wednesday! Congrats on the new job for hubby!!!
Wow! Week 7--almost two months done!
Good luck with the move! Keep us posted on that.
You have a lot on your plate with the move, good luck with the move:) I love Panda's, we have been to the Atlanta zoo years ago. Thanks for linking up to the Field trip hop.
What a GREAT opportunity to be so near a zoo that kids can take classes and the others can explore! We don't have a zoo nearby, but my daughter would LOVE something like this! How fun!
Great job on the frog/toad lapbooks! You have have a toad! Neat!
All the best with settling into your new house and town!
Stopping by from Kris's Weekly Wrap-up!
Congratulations on homeschooling! I'm interested in the 50 state postcard swap. How did this come about? I like the idea.
I wanted to stop by from The Homeschool Post's Welcome Wagon.
@Clara Another blogger created it. She asked for interested people to leave a comment with their state and contact her via email to participate. She then sent out a master list and everyone who was participating. Each person had to send a postcard to everyone on the list. There were over 30 states participating and about 50+ people (some states had multiples participating). Here is the original post http://www.startsateight.com/?p=6554. She also had a deadline on when they were to be sent. So technically if you sent out 52 postcards you should get 52 back. They also created a FB group so that everyone participating could post which they have received and leave comments for the other participants. It's been a lot of fun!
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