Sunday, August 21, 2011

August 3 in 30 Challenge - Week 3

Week 3 of August was very good. I worked on August goals and even had progress on my past goals.

1. Get our daily schedule/routine in place - We are still doing well but next week it is going to get very messed up since I have to work from 9 am - 2 pm every day. I promised my boss I would work for them while they were away on their cruise.
2. Start homschooling - Homeschooling is going great and the kids are enjoying themselves very much. I am also having a blast and so happy I get to witness them learn new things. So far I have been able to hear Gwyn read her first words and see Rowyn write his first letter 'A'.
3. Learn better ways to discipline - We had a better week. I took away privileges and used timeouts for misbehavior. Lately the kids have been bickering a lot and I am still having problems with Gwyns behavior but hopefully over time it will get better. Why can't they come with instruction books at birth?

Any encouraging words are always appreciated!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I'd like to tell you that the bickering gets better, but it doesn't! As you know I am working on "tone" in our home and your better ways to discipline falls into that category as well.

I think you will find that the calmer and more matter of fact you can be about discipline, the better it will be received.

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